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Speak to
a Doctor

Healphant allows continuous communication between patients and their doctors, respects the privacy of both and rewards health professionals. Hop on!


On big and small issues

Type your health issue and a doctor will reach you.
Get clinical follow up (exams, post care...)
Get a second opinion on your health problem.
Monitor a chronic disease in a safer and affordable way.

and a doctor will help you.

or post operation care.

on your health problem.

with the help of your doctor.

Health on a chat means fast
01 – Search for a doctor.
02 – Agree on the price.
03 – Start chatting
and pay only at the end.

We have the answers  

How to install the app

In order to add healphant´s app to your smartphone or tablet home screen please check our tutorials at https://healphant.com/tutorials/, available for iOS and Android.

How can I contact a Doctor

To contact a doctor, you must register yourself at www.app.healphant.com . Then it's very simple:

• Log yourself in.

• Select the doctor you wish to contact.

• Click on contact.

• Describe the symptoms and upload attachments, if you think it is necessary.

• Finally, press submit . 

How do I know I am talking to Certified Doctors?

Healphant verifies the identity of all registered doctors, guaranteeing their registration in their National Medical Association.

Does healphant store my personal data and information securely?

Yes. We value the protection of our users' data. The Secure Socket Layer tests (SSL test) performed gave us a A+ security rating, which is above the results demonstrated by many banking institutions, so we can assure you that we are using industry-standard security levels to protect all your data and records. We also emphasize that your personal information is not shared and that your clinical data is only visible to you and your doctor.

How can i receive notifications?

For the moment, push notifications are only available on Android. However, we are working to have it also in IOS. To receive them, you must activate the notification permission once you see the pop-up that appears in your first interaction with your doctor. If you do not accept the activation of notifications, please notice that you will have to clear your browser history next time in order to give permission again. Regardless of your operating system, healphant will also notify you by email. 

How much will the consultation cost?

The maximum price for each consultation is set by the doctor. You can check this amount in your doctor's profile. When they decide to close your case, they will set its final value, which will be between 0 euro (free) and the maximum value indicated. 

Do I need to make an appointment? How long does it last?

No, you don’t need to book an appointment. Just open the app and send a message to your doctor. The interaction does not have a specific timeline and can remain open up to 5 days after being accepted. After the consultation is over, you can always review it whenever you need, on the page with the “closed cases”.

How do I pay? What are the methods of payment?

We will ask for your payment details after the doctor has answered. At that time, when you insert them, you will unlock the conversation and the maximum amount stipulated by the doctor will be retained. Only at the end of the consultation, when the doctor closes the case, the amount that he decides is fair is withdrawn, this may vary between 0 and the maximum amount defined in his profile. At the moment we provide as a payment method, debit and credit cards.

How can i ask for an invoice?

If you wish to have an invoice, you must put your tax number in the appropriate field for that, at the moment you pay.

Is the interaction covered by my insurance company?

You can ask for full or partial reimbursement to your insurance company, depending on the type of contract you have signed with them, but for the moment, healphant doesn’t have specific cooperation protocols with any insurance company. 

Can I use healphant in case of emergency?

This platform should not be used in urgent situations. For this purpose you should contact your National Emergency number .

Can i contact doctors that i don't know?

Healphant is a platform created to increase the proximity between patients and their doctors. Communicating with a new doctor is possible, but that can delay or hamper the diagnosis and increase the risk of treatment plan failure since there is no knowledge of the clinical history and no previous face-to-face observation. 

We have the answers  

How to install the app

In order to add healphant´s app to your smartphone or tablet home screen please check our tutorials at https://healphant.com/tutorials/, available for iOS and Android.

How can I contact a Doctor

To contact a doctor, you must register yourself at www.app.healphant.com . Then it's very simple:

• Log yourself in.

• Select the doctor you wish to contact.

• Click on contact.

• Describe the symptoms and upload attachments, if you think it is necessary.

• Finally, press submit . 

How do I know I am talking to Certified Doctors?

Healphant verifies the identity of all registered doctors, guaranteeing their registration in their National Medical Association.

Does healphant store my personal data and information securely?

Yes. We value the protection of our users' data. The Secure Socket Layer tests (SSL test) performed gave us a A+ security rating, which is above the results demonstrated by many banking institutions, so we can assure you that we are using industry-standard security levels to protect all your data and records. We also emphasize that your personal information is not shared and that your clinical data is only visible to you and your doctor.

How can i receive notifications?

For the moment, push notifications are only available on Android. However, we are working to have it also in IOS. To receive them, you must activate the notification permission once you see the pop-up that appears in your first interaction with your doctor. If you do not accept the activation of notifications, please notice that you will have to clear your browser history next time in order to give permission again. Regardless of your operating system, healphant will also notify you by email. 

How much will the consultation cost?

The maximum price for each consultation is set by the doctor. You can check this amount in your doctor's profile. When they decide to close your case, they will set its final value, which will be between 0 euro (free) and the maximum value indicated. 

Do I need to make an appointment? How long does it last?

No, you don’t need to book an appointment. Just open the app and send a message to your doctor. The interaction does not have a specific timeline and can remain open up to 5 days after being accepted. After the consultation is over, you can always review it whenever you need, on the page with the “closed cases”.

How do I pay? What are the methods of payment?

We will ask for your payment details after the doctor has answered. At that time, when you insert them, you will unlock the conversation and the maximum amount stipulated by the doctor will be retained. Only at the end of the consultation, when the doctor closes the case, the amount that he decides is fair is withdrawn, this may vary between 0 and the maximum amount defined in his profile. At the moment we provide as a payment method, debit and credit cards.

How can i ask for an invoice?

If you wish to have an invoice, you must put your tax number in the appropriate field for that, at the moment you pay.

Is the interaction covered by my insurance company?

You can ask for full or partial reimbursement to your insurance company, depending on the type of contract you have signed with them, but for the moment, healphant doesn’t have specific cooperation protocols with any insurance company. 

Can I use healphant in case of emergency?

This platform should not be used in urgent situations. For this purpose you should contact your National Emergency number .

Can i contact doctors that i don't know?

Healphant is a platform created to increase the proximity between patients and their doctors. Communicating with a new doctor is possible, but that can delay or hamper the diagnosis and increase the risk of treatment plan failure since there is no knowledge of the clinical history and no previous face-to-face observation. 

Get a medical
opinion on the fly.

If you have a last-minute health issue and you don’t have a way to reach a doctor we will link you with him for a fair price in a simple way.

We care in making it fair

By removing expensive third parties out of the process healphant is able to provide an affordable experience to patients and generate a fair reward to doctors for the value that they’ve been adding for free on a daily basis.

Direct access to a doctor
Easy on the pocket
Avoid waiting rooms
Privacy and Data protection
Keep your personal contact, personal
Fair reward on added value
Solve simple health issues
Increase professional visibility


Direct access to a doctor

Easy on the pocket

No more waiting

Privacy and Data protection


Fair reward on added knowledge

Increased professional visibility

Keep your personal contact to yourself

Help more patients

Ready to start?

Hop on healphant’s back and enjoy the ride. It’s time to take healthcare everywhere and to everyone.
